EOFY is rapidly approaching. The EOFY is a great opportunity to set some personal and business resolutions for the year ahead. Below are some suggestions:
- Identify opportunities for your business.
- Have strong and robust recording keeping systems in place that support an efficient month end reporting process.
- Use technology. How can you “go digital”? Remove paper from the business.
- Perform an annual health check on your business. Understand where you were, where you are and where you want to be.
- Review your strategic plan
- After reviewing your strategic plan finalise your budget for the financial year ahead. Make sure you understand your assumptions and key performance indicators.
- After setting the budget understand your cashflow requirements. Cash is king and is a fundamental element of any good business.
- Review currently profitability. Understand the key areas that impact on your profitability.
- How will you finance growth and ongoing operations? Debt, equity or internally generated cash.
- Review your marketing plan.